It looks great ! I like the title too.
It looks great ! I like the title too.
I wanted to comment something unfunny about trees, but I remembered that eyes look like they taste the same as boiled eggs. I got distracted & now I can't stop thinking about eggs.
Eggs are rlly good on burgers they taste amazing with em, especially if theyre not cooked all the way and you let em explode across the patty. cheese and ketchup at that point are just add ons. dont rlly wanna try that with an eyeball tho
Your art looks amazing ! Also, welcome to Newgrounds. ^^
Tinasia. Booooo !!! [ *Insert GIF of a guy throwing rocks* ]
Wait, if it rains everytime in there, does it mean that snail racing can be a national sport ?
your never ending hatred for a fictional country will always be funny
Nice ! In case you're worried about him experimenting on you, you can always do the apple trick.
Lol yeah !! And thank you !!
He is naturally adorable. I need to hug him ! Very nice art.
Based Cupid Toon Ethan. Happy ( Late ) Choco Day to you !
I'm alone but I can buy chocolate for myself because I love eating !! Happy Choco Day !!
Demoman my Belemoman
This is going to end in tears.
Howdy ! I'm a kemono artist who loves to draw nature, Pokémon & cute creatures.
Commissions are open ! Check my Carrd for details.
They / He
Joined on 6/12/22