I logged in to Newgrounds to read funny posts in General, just to learn that it got closed.. I really liked there, it helped me to forget about stressful stuff for a moment. I don't know where I can shitpoast & say random stuff now.
I may be less active here. I would upload some art but all I did recently were doodles & I have to work for future exams. I will try to post experimental illustrations soon.
Wait, it's actually proper locked? Mate I thought Tom was takin the piss, with april fools coming up; maybe there's a chance he'll go back on it, NG without @PoopyPeter talking about balls ain't the same.
I thought it was a joke too, but it seems like it's true. I was mostly on Newgrounds to check the BBS, it was the only place I felt safe to shitpoast in. BBS is really different from Newgrounds in general, it was easier to socialise with everyone safely there.